Explore fascinating owl species

Here is a list of owl species, categorized by their family and genera. Owls belong to the order Strigiformes, with two main families: Strigidae (typical owls) and Tytonidae (barn owls).
Family: Strigidae (Typical Owls)
- Genus: Strix (Wood owls, forest owls)
- Strix aluco – Tawny Owl
- Strix occidentalis – Spotted Owl
- Strix nebulosa – Great Grey Owl
- Strix varia – Barred Owl
- Strix uralensis – Ural Owl
- Genus: Bubo (Eagle owls, horned owls)
- Bubo bubo – Eurasian Eagle Owl
- Bubo virginianus – Great Horned Owl
- Bubo ascalaphus – Pharoah Eagle Owl
- Bubo zeylonensis – Sri Lanka Spotted Eagle Owl
- Genus: Otus (Small owls, scops owls)
- Otus scops – European Scops Owl
- Otus asio – Eastern Screech Owl
- Otus seductus – Philippine Scops Owl
- Otus megalotis – Long-eared Owl
- Genus: Aegolius (Pygmy owls)
- Aegolius funereus – Northern Pygmy Owl
- Aegolius acadicus – Boreal Owl
- Genus: Glaucidium (Dwarf owls)
- Glaucidium passerinum – Pygmy Owl
- Glaucidium gnoma – Northern Pygmy Owl
- Glaucidium brasilianum – Ferruginous Pygmy Owl
- Genus: Athene (Little owls)
- Athene noctua – Little Owl
- Athene brama – Indian Spotted Eagle Owl
- Genus: Surnia (Owls with long wings and short tails)
- Surnia ulula – Northern Hawk Owl
- Genus: Ninox (Powerful owls, hawk owls)
- Ninox strenua – Powerful Owl
- Ninox boobook – Australian Boobook
- Genus: Asio (Large owls)
- Asio otus – Long-eared Owl
- Asio flammeus – Short-eared Owl
- Asio clarkii – Clark’s Owl
Family: Tytonidae (Barn Owls)
- Genus: Tyto (Barn owls)
- Tyto alba – Barn Owl
- Tyto aurantia – Madagascan Barn Owl
- Tyto capensis – Cape Barn Owl
- Tyto soumagnei – Mauritius Barn Owl
Miscellaneous Other Species
- Genus: Pulsatrix – Giant Owl
- Pulsatrix perspicillata – Spectacled Owl
This list covers a range of species, but there are many subspecies and regional variations within these genera as well. Some species are found in specific regions or have specialized ecological roles.
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